Evanston Noise Ordinance

What is the Noise Ordinance?

Evanston has rules about noise to keep the city peaceful. Loud and unnecessary noise that bothers others is not allowed. If noise is too loud and disturbs people, it can be considered a public nuisance, which means it’s against the law. City Code of Evanston 9-5-20 (F).

What Noises Are Not Allowed?

The following types of noise are against the law in Evanston:

1. Loud Vehicles

  • Engine Noise: All cars, trucks, motorcycles, and boats must have a working muffler to reduce loud noises.
  • Broken Vehicles: If your vehicle makes loud grinding, rattling, or other disturbing sounds, it must be fixed.
  • Loading/Unloading: Making loud noise while loading or unloading items from vehicles is not allowed.
  • Car Alarms: Car alarms should not go off for more than 4 minutes at a time.
  • Honking: Car horns should only be used for safety, not to make unnecessary noise.

2. Loud Music from Vehicles

  • Playing music too loud in a car is illegal if it can be heard from 75 feet away.
  • Fines range from $100 to $500, and repeat violations have higher fines.

3. Construction Noise

  • Construction work can only happen between 7:00 AM - 9:00 PM on weekdays and 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM on Saturdays.
  • Loud activities like jackhammering and sandblasting are not allowed at night or on Sundays unless there is special permission.

4. Loudspeakers and Amplifiers

  • Loudspeakers, amplifiers, and sound systems must be turned off between 10:00 PM - 7:00 AM on weekdays and 11:00 PM - 7:00 AM on weekends.
  • Outdoor events with loudspeakers need a permit.

5. Noise Near Schools, Hospitals, and Churches

  • Making loud noise near schools, hospitals, courts, or churches is not allowed if it disrupts people inside.

6. Yelling, Shouting, and Singing

  • Loud yelling, shouting, whistling, or singing in public is not allowed, especially between 11:00 PM - 7:00 AM.

7. Noisy Pets

  • Dogs and other animals should not make loud noises for long periods, like constant barking or howling, that disturb neighbors.

What Happens If You Break the Rules?

If you make noise that violates the ordinance, you could get a fine. Police can also stop the noise or tow a vehicle if it’s too loud.

How Can You Avoid Breaking the Noise Rules?

  • Keep music, TV, and speakers at a reasonable volume, especially at night.
  • Fix loud vehicles or broken mufflers.
  • Keep pets quiet, especially at night.
  • Be respectful of neighbors and avoid making excessive noise.

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